Staff Bios
- Pronouns: He/Him/His
Rabbi Jonathan Kraus was ordained by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in 1989 and has been the Rabbi of Beth El Temple Center since 1994. A child of the Reform Movement who grew up in its synagogues and programs, Rabbi Kraus was deeply influenced by the Union for Reform Judaism’s (URJ) summer camps, its youth movement (NFTY) and its Religious Action Center in Washington, D.C. All are programs he continues to support enthusiastically as a rabbi. A longtime song leader, composer and musician, Rabbi Kraus also has been nourished by his great love for and involvement with Jewish music. All those experiences, combined with several, transformative opportunities to visit and live in Israel, have been among the most defining influences on his Jewish identity and rabbinate.
- Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Rabbi Sandi Intraub is beginning her 14th year at BETC and is our Associate Rabbi. Rabbi Sandi believes that all students, young and older, should have opportunities to study all aspects of Judaism with each other, using creative, accessible and interactive methods that inspire further growth, curiosity, and learning. Sandi feels a Jewish obligation to respond to those in need and effect change in the world with education, hands-on work, fundraising, and advocacy and enjoys engaging in Tikkun Olam at BETC! Sandi treasures the wisdom in Jewish traditions, worship, holidays, life-cycle events, and rituals and enjoys leading others in learning, celebration, and prayer.
- Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Rabbi Jamie Field was ordained in 2024 from HUC-JIR in New York. Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Jamie left the West Coast after high school to attend Boston University, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion. After college, she worked at Washington Hebrew Congregation as their Curriculum Coordinator for two years before moving to Jerusalem for her first year of rabbinical school.
- Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Cantor Jeri Robins was ordained at Hebrew College in Newton in 2013 and became the Cantor of the Beth El Temple Center community in July of 2018. Cantor Robins grew up in the Reform movement in Cleveland, Ohio, as well as in congregations in Florida and Massachusetts. A resident of Newton, she raised her family at Temple Emanuel. She has held pulpit positions in both the Reform and Conservative movements, giving her a broad understanding of Jewish practice and traditions, worship styles and musical genres.
- Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Lara Riehle began working as BETC’s Temple Administrator in March 2022 after serving as the Religious School Administrator since May 2016. Lara received her BA from the University of Vermont, in History and Russian Studies, and also earned TESOL/TEFL certification. Prior to working for BETC, Lara worked for the Department of Human Services at the City of Cambridge.
- Pronouns: He/Him/His