“The Family is the Whole Life and Spirit of a Jew”

S.J. Abromowich


Family Education at Beth El Temple Center strives to establish a partnership between the home and school. We know that the home is the center of Jewish life, with parents as the primary Jewish teachers and role models for their children. With that in mind, we seek to empower and support families with the resources, skills, and knowledge that will help them as they journey on the lifelong process of Jewish living and learning. Our hope is that our Family Education programming will provide families with the necessary skills needed to create vibrant Jewish homes and to comfortably participate in the Jewish community.  Each Family Education program will also create opportunities for parents and their children to connect with and learn from each other as they engage with their wider synagogue community.

At Beth El Temple Center we are a welcoming and inclusive community of families, each one unique, striving to form or deepen their relationship to Judaism. We offer a diverse range of learning and celebration experiences that will greet you with warmth, energy, and creativity, and continue to meet you where you are on your Jewish journey. Our aim is to meet your particular needs, interests, and various learning levels.

Family education programs include the following:

  • Community celebrations of holidays - Purim Carnival and Supper in the Sukkah
  • School and grade based programs - parents and children learning together, covering topics that compliment the school curriculum
  • Learning opportunities for specific family cohorts (i.e., new temple families or families with children approaching Bnai Mitzvah)
  • Focused learning experiences and activities based on individual family interests (i.e., home rituals, Judaism and politics, or social action).

Through participation in family education, parents become role models for their children.  As your partners in Jewish education, we hope to provide you with quality family time in a Jewish setting. We are also striving to build a sense of community among our families and hope to help you bring Jewish living into your home.   If you are interested in helping to shape the future of family education by joining our Family Education Team, please contact Associate Rabbi Sandi Intraub, at 617-484-6668 ext. 311, or rThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Click here for an overview of our Mishpachah programs.


cjp support by blue

The BETC Family Education program is supported through a grant from Combined Jewish Philanthropies in conjunction with the Commission on Jewish Continuity and implemented by the Bureau of Jewish Education.
The Commission on Jewish Continuity is a joint project of Combined Jewish Philanthropies and its agencies, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, the Council of Orthodox Synagogues and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts

Upcoming Services

Fri, Feb 28 @ 7:00pm
Shabbat Evening Service
Sun, Mar 2 @ 9:00am
Fri, Mar 7 @ 5:30pm
1, 2 and Friends Shabbat Services

Upcoming Events

Sat Mar 01 @ 6:00PM
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?!

Sun Mar 02 @ 1:00PM
'State of the World' Listening Circle

Sun Mar 02 @ 2:00PM
BETC Reads: "The Cost of Free Land"

Sun Mar 09 @11:30AM
Community Cooks

Sun Mar 09 @ 2:00PM
Welcome Blanket Project

rainbow hands

Contact Info

Beth El Temple Center
2 Concord Ave
Belmont, MA 02478
(617) 484-6668
[email protected]