Whether you like to discuss books, participate in a men’s seder, schmooze, play on a sports team or play poker, help set up our Temple Sukkah, or prepare Hanukkah cards for Jewish soldiers serving overseas – BETC’s Brotherhood wants you!  Through our Brotherhood programs, men of all ages who are members of our congregation contribute to the community, both within and outside of the Temple, organize popular events, and make lasting friendships.

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Along with our regular meetings on the second Tuesday night of each month, events are scheduled throughout the year.  Some annual highlights include a Friday night Brotherhood Shabbat Service, the Hanukkah Latke party and contest, and preparing food for those with severe illnesses through Community Servings.

Last Hanukkah, Beth El Temple Center through the Brotherhood asked our Hebrew school kids to send personalized cards (decorated by our Sunday school students) to Jewish members of the armed forces in serving in Africa, AFRICOM.

In addition, the Brotherhood:

Builds a Sukkah for BETC Sukkot services and our “Sushi in the Sukkah” celebration

Meets monthly to plan our programs and to connect with one another

Distributes Holocaust memorial candles and raises money for charitable organizations in conjunction with our annual Yom HaShoah service.  Past beneficiaries include the renewed congregation of Rovno, Ukraine, once the site of a Holocaust massacre; the National Yiddish Book Center in Amherst, MA; Boston3G, a Boston based group for the grandchildren of Holocaust survivors; and the Survivor Mitzvah Project.

Assembles the 6-foot-high menorahs or hanukkiah at the front of our Temple to celebrate Hanukkah and hosts a Latke party for children and parents.

Hosts a Sunday morning breakfast talk.   Our most recent speaker was Temple member Len Abram who presented “Boxing for Time,” about fighters who survived the Holocaust by boxing for the entertainment of the guards in the camps.

Celebrates Passover with a men’s Seder

Watches Jewish-themed movies, both at the Temple and at the Boston Jewish Film Festival

Assembles a championship caliber softball team.  In the 2024 season, BETC fielded two teams -- the Beasts and the Nudniks.  Both teams made it to the playoffs and ended up playing each other! Ultimately the Nudniks won the 2024 Kiddish Cup.

 Nudniks Softball 2024

Plans poker nights so that we will have an opportunity to schmooze and enjoy fellowship.  All are invited. Snacks, drinks, and prizes are provided, even for those whose luck runs out early. Everyone wins because the proceeds go to charity. 


The Brotherhood also has a very active Men's Book Club that reads and discusses books with Jewish themes or about Jewish history, such as Saul Bellow’s “The Adventures of Augie March,” and Elie Weisel’s “Night.” 

No matter what your background or tradition, we encourage you to join us in the Temple Brotherhood for some or all of these activities.  It is a great way to connect with the welcoming Beth El Temple Center community.  If you are interested or want more information, feel free to send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We would be delighted to talk with you about joining the Brotherhood.

Len Abram
BETC Brotherhood President


Upcoming Services

Sun, Mar 30 @ 9:00am
Fri, Apr 4 @ 5:30pm
1,2 and Friends Shabbat Service
Fri, Apr 4 @ 7:00pm
Youth Kehillah
Fri, Apr 4 @ 7:00pm
Shabbat Evening Service

Upcoming Events

Wed Apr 02 @ 7:00PM
Musical Lecture: The Song of Songs

Sun Apr 06 @ 2:00PM
Welcome Blanket Project

rainbow hands

Contact Info

Beth El Temple Center
2 Concord Ave
Belmont, MA 02478
(617) 484-6668
[email protected]